2008: Monument of Czechoslovakian Exile, City Hall Praha 12; Prague, Czech Rep.
2007: Ars Natura; Kassel, Germany
2006: ReAaction Painting, Karlín Studios; Prague, Czech Rep.
2005: Dialogue of memorials with artist group Podebal, gallery Framework; Berlin Germany
2005: "Lety" with artist group Podebal, gallery Gambit; Prague, Czech Rep.
2005: Night of Robots, Galerie Manes Mitte; Prague, Czech Rep.
2004: "Niemandsland", Künstlerhaus Wien; Wien, Austria
2003-04: Nights of Robots, InveX; Brno, Czech Republic
2003: The Mauritianum Project; Documentahalle Kassel, Germany
2002: Ars Natura; Kassel, Germany
1999: Get Back Veletržní Palace; Prague, Czech Republic
1988: "LOGOTAPE" in VIDEOPAKET of the Goethe Institute
1988: The Museum of Modern Art. Vidox Special effects for Wilhelm Reich "Viva Little Man"; New York, U.S.A.
1988: Infermental, World Video Edition; Buffalo, U.S.A.
1988: 4. International Animation Festival; Stuttgart, Germany
1988: The 2nd Fukui International Video Biennale, Fukuju, Japan.
1988: "Das Neue Video aus der BRD"; Kunstmuseum Luzern
1988, March: computer art anternational; Kunsterverein Kronach
1987: VIDOX technologie presented at following universities:
Cooper Union New York, Prof. Robert Breer;
State University of New York, Buffalol;
Simon Fraser University Vancouver BC Canada, Prof. Henry Jesionka;
Hochschule für angewandte Kunst Wien, Meisterklasse für Mediengestaltung, Prof. Peter Weibel
Cooper Union New York, Prof. Robert Breer;
State University of New York, Buffalol;
Simon Fraser University Vancouver BC Canada, Prof. Henry Jesionka;
Hochschule für angewandte Kunst Wien, Meisterklasse für Mediengestaltung, Prof. Peter Weibel
1987: "Neues Video aus der BRD" Museum für Gegenwartskunst Basel, Schweiz
1987: Videonale - Highlights Olympic Museum Sarajevo
1987: "Experimentalfilm aus der BRD"; Belgrad, Jugoslavia
1986: Cavcom '86 Videofestival, Motivations and 3rd Prize; Cologne, Germany
1986: Veyrier Animated Film Festival; Geneva, Switzerland
1987: Ars Electronica, video festival; Linz, Austria
1987: Monitor '87, video festival; Florunda, Sweden
1987: Videonale, Highlights in the Museum Folkwang; Essen, Germany
1986: Videonale; Bonn, Germany
1987: Animated Film Festival Competition; Annecy, France
1987: International Experimental Film Workshop; Osnabrück, Germany
1986: JVC Video Festival; Tokyo, Japan
1986: AVE Holland video festival; Arnhem, Holland
1986: Animated film festival competition; Bilbao, Spain
1986: Animated film festival competition; Uppsala, Sweden
1987: Computer art in the art society; Langenhagen, Germany
1987: Prints and Plotts; Cologne, Germany
1986: Prints and Plotts, coputer art from german speaking countries, first prize.
1987: Vrana and Nakahara in the Forum Kassel, Germany
1987: Vidox Home-Game, Filmladen Kassel, Germany
1985: Group exhibition; Herrenveen, Holland
1985: Art Scene Kassel in the Neue Galerie; Kassel, Germany